Spring has returned. The sun is shining once again (restoring hope for those of us in the North who spend the winter wondering if it will ever return), the grass is regaining its luscious green color, and the trees are starting to bud – showing off their beauty after a dormant winter. You can feel the warmth of the sun shining through your windows at home, but that same sun shines a light on the dust that has collected over the winter. It draws attention to the closets that have become stuffed to the brim with clothing meant for the Arctic Tundra, and all the “stuff” that you have acquired from who knows where. Yes, spring has returned, and for most of us, that means cleaning in one form or another. For me, it means getting everything back in order before the slowness of winter is replaced by the quick pace of late spring/summer. It turns out that our customers are tasked with a similar “spring cleaning” list too! For all of us, these lists are a way to transition as smoothly as possible from the slow winter season, into the craziness that comes as a packaged deal with the return of spring.
“During every busy shipping season you invariably run into issues that would have been eliminated had a little spring cleaning taken place. The spring cleaning referred to here encompasses more than just a “cleaning” perspective, it also involves planning ahead and taking care of business concerns so they don’t interfere with the busy season.”
-GGS Greenhouse
Find all 7 spring cleaning tips in this article posted by ggs-greenhouse.com!
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